The creation of your little one is a sacred process. More and more often today, for various reasons, people are utilizing reproductive assistance to bring their little ones into the world. However, doing so often leads to quite clinical and impersonal experiences. I am proud to be able to offer family-centered conception services in the comfort of your own home (or at my cozy office) and at your own pace. This process can remain sacred and special, even when it is assisted.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
What is Intrauterine Insemination?
Intrauterine insemination is a procedure that entails placing sperm directly inside the uterus through a very small catheter that is inserted through the cervix. From the client's perspective, this procedure feels similar to a gentle PAP, since a speculum is placed inside before inserting the catheter.
Who can utilize IUI?
IUI is best utilized by folks who would like to conceive but haven't been able to, due to factors that include being un-partnered, in a same-sex relationship, or in a relationship where the available sperm has low motility or low count, or possibly for couples with unexplained infertility or secondary infertility.
If you would like to utilize a fresh sperm sample for IUI (sperm that you have not procured from a sperm bank), there is a specific protocol that must be followed before being able to do an in-home IUI.
How does the process work?
​IUI is like an usher for the sperm to get as close to the egg as possible near the time of ovulation to increase the chance of conception. The IUI catheter is very tiny, so it can easily pass through the cervix and into the uterus, where the sperm sample is then placed. Placing the sperm sample inside of the uterus minimizes several factors that can inhibit fertilization of the egg, like the distance the sperm must travel to reach the egg or low motility due to sperm quality, cervical mucus or vaginal pH. If IUI is going to be successful, conception typically occurs in only one or two cycles.
What does this service include?
IUI services with Midwife Courtney include the following:
24-hour availability (barring a labor/birth) by Courtney for IUI insemination with at least 12 hours notice given by the client
All supplies required for the IUI, and the IUI itself
These services do NOT include:
semen, semen storage, semen delivery, sperm analysis, laboratory tests, physician consultations, client education, ovulation prediction, charting/tracking assistance, or fertility counseling
In-Home Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
$300 per transfer; $100 per sperm wash
IUI's can be done in my office in Mission Hills or in the comfort of your own home at no additional charge.​
Each IUI entails 2 transfers, 12-24 hours apart, at $300 per transfer. Fresh sperm samples must be washed before transfer, at $100 per wash.
*Please get in touch to discuss finances is this is out of your budget*